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Options Trading Mastery (OTM)
Options Trading Mastery
1st Session Basics of Futures and Options (23/03/2024) (107:02)
2nd Session Basics of Options (24/03/2024) (84:38)
3rd Session Intrinsic and extrinsic value (30/03/2024) (121:48)
4th Session Options Greeks (31/03/2024) (100:40)
5th Session Types of Options Greek (06/04/2024) (106:28)
6th Session IV Vega and India vix (07/04/2024) (101:09)
7th SessionOptions Basic Catch-Up Session 11/04/2024 (92:11)
8th SessionSession on Call Spread (20/04/2024) (87:01)
9th SessionSession On Positional Stratergy(21/04/2024) (95:33)
10th SessionShort Strangle Trading Strategy(27/04/2024) (104:23)
11th Session on Nifty short strangle 28/04/2024 (107:31)
12th Session Support Session On Algo 2/05/2024 (106:16)
13th Session Bank Nifty Monthly Ratio Spread 4/05/2024 (118:17)
14th Session Bank Nifty Monthly Ratio Spread 5/05/2024 (113:53)
15th Session FinNifty Intraday Strangle 11/05/2024 (110:48)
16th Session on Fin Nifty And Bank Nifty Intraday Short Strangle (109:23)
17th Session Support Session 17/05/2024 (99:58)
18th Session on Nifty,BankNifty strangle with lazy leg feature 25/05/2024 (111:51)
19th Session on Expiry Bundle 26/05/2024 (113:18)
20th Session Support Session 31/05/2024 (92:13)
21th Session Calendar Spread1/06/2024 (103:43)
22nd Session Calendar Spread 02/06/2024 (93:35)
23rd Session on Leap Options 08/06/2024 (114:50)
24th Session on Leap Options 09/06/2024 (110:54)
25th Session on Event Day Trading 15/06/2024 (107:23)
26th Lesson on Options Buying (114:16)
27th LessonAlgothon 17/06/2024 (136:54)
28th Lesson Algothon 18/06/2024 (All Stratergy) (13:09)
2nd Session Basics of Options (24/03/2024)
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